The Culinary Collective, a chef series presented by Motor City Seafood at Oak and Reel, continues on February 23 and 24. The series offers a unique dining experience by Oak & Reel’s Chef Jared Gadbaw and his team, where they host and collaborate with celebrated chefs from around the country. Each dinner experience will vary from one another, from the chef to the cuisine, all benefiting a unique, local charity. The folks at Oak & Reel call it “a dinner of a lifetime for many foodies, who will be able to experience a world-class meal without leaving Detroit.” Each event includes a six to seven course dinner with beverage pairings (including a non-alcoholic beverage pairing option). On February 23 and 24, the Culinary Collective presents chefs Michael Gallina and Aaron Martinez – the powerhouse duo behind Take Root Hospitality (Vicia, Winlsow’s Table, Bistro La Floraison, and Taqueria Morita) in St. Louis, Missouri. Tickets to the event are $400 per person and reservations can be made by visiting Oak & Reel’s website at 2921 East Grand Boulevard, Detroit
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