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Reset and reboot

Looking for a reset at the beginning of the year? Beyond Juice has you covered with their recently launched meal replacement program, The Reboot. Elliot Disner, who handles business development for the company, said the Reboot is a one-day program and sold one day at a time, both in their 12 locations and through their app. The program will come in a branded tote and include four bottled juices, one hot shot, and two all-natural, vegan, and gluten-free meal replacements. For those hesitant about doing a juice cleanse because you can’t have your caffeine, the Reboot may be the perfect fit since you won’t have to give up your morning coffee. Disner also noted that the Reboot has a bit more substance to it than a juice cleanse does. Beyond Juice – located in downtown Birmingham, 270 W. Maple, and in the city’s Rail District, 2221 Cole Street, as well as numerous other locations – is also working towards new specialty items to introduce in 2020, including a smoothie Disner said would be “the most well-balanced smoothie on the menu.” ­Metro Intelligencer is a monthly column devoted to news stories, tidbits and gossip items about what's happening on the restaurant scene in the metro Detroit area. Metro Intelligencer is reported/created each month by Dana Casadei who can be reached at with news items or tips, on or off the record.

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Birmingham, Michigan

Metro Intelligencer is a periodic column about the vibrant and changing restaurant/dining scene in the metro Detroit area, reported/written by Gigi Nichols.

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